Publications des auteurs et des éditeurs


Boudin in Le Havre (version anglaise)

Nombre de pages : 32
Dimensions : 19 mm x 16 mm
Poids : 240 gr
Prix : 10.00 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782916378435
Distributeur : TERRE EN VUE

Auteur(s) : Bruno Delarue

Editeur(s) : TERRE EN VUE

Collection : Monographies ci

Date de parution : 26 juin 2015


Langue(s) du texte : Français

By providing the young-self-taught painter, Boudin, with a large grant so that he could train alongside the Parisian masters, the municipality of Le Havre played a leading role in the career of this artist who became the “king of skies”. The fact that the inhabitants of Le Havre had more scorn for him than their elders did not prevent Boudin from returning tirelessly to Le Havre to find the special silvery light which reflected great sailing boats in the water of the quaysides.

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