Publications des auteurs et des éditeurs



Nombre de pages : 160
Dimensions : 215 mm x 305 mm
Poids : 888 gr
Prix : 29.50 €
Livre relié

EAN : 9782840485506
Distributeur : HEIMDAL


Editeur(s) : HEIMDAL

Date de parution : 22 juillet 2019

Genre(s) :

Langue(s) du texte : Français

Following the failure at Villers-Bocage and a further failure at the end of June 1944 facing Hill 112 at the end of
Operation Epsom (the “Battle of the Odon”), Monty relaunched an attack against Hill 112, southwest of Caen,
on 10 July 1944. In doing so, he sought to go around the D-Day objective of the capital of lower-Normandy via
the south which, at that time, was still held by the Germans. However, as had been the case at Villers-Bocage,
British troops failed again at this strategic area against the formidable Tiger tanks. Under artillery barrages, this
high ground was fiercely contested at the cost of terrible losses on both sides. Hill 112 would become a veritable
“Norman Verdun”, a battle of destruction reminiscent of the hell of the Great War.
Richly illustrated, this album presents a precise historical text recounting the operations hour by hour with
numerous testimonies, and provides a real film of the fighting accompanied by period photos as well as battlefield
equipment, tank profiles and then-and-now photos that make it a real guide to this battlefield.
This book quickly went out of print following its publication in 2008 and this is a long-awaited reprint of a very
important battle.

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