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Le Jour J et la Bataille de Normandie (IT)

Nombre de pages : 32
Dimensions : 170 mm x 240 mm
Poids : 118 gr
Prix : 6.70 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782815108614
Distributeur : OREP

Auteur(s) : LEGOUT Gérard

Editeur(s) : OREP

Date de parution : 20 mars 2024

Genre(s) : HISTOIRE (3377)

Langue(s) du texte : Italien

From the decision to land in Normandy up to the closing of the "Falaise Gap" this work describes the different phases of the Battle : strategy, diversion, the multiple operations undertaken, the sectors chosen for landing, the Armed Forces and their mission in each case.
Maps trace the Army Corps and Units and their advance in the course of the Battle.
A concentrated and instructive work on the main stages of the Battle of Normandy.

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