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Petit Quizz de la Seconde Guerre mondiale (anglais)

Nombre de pages : 140
Dimensions : 84 mm x 128 mm
Poids : 96 gr
Prix : 8.00 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782364452961
Distributeur : MDS

Auteur(s) :

Editeur(s) : DE TAILLAC

Collection : Petit Quizz

Date de parution : 20 septembre 2024

Genre(s) : HISTOIRE

Langue(s) du texte : Français

Why did France go to war with Germany? What was "Blitzkrieg"? Where does the word "Nazi" come from? Which radio programme was the most popular in occupied France? What was the "Oath of Kufra"? What was "Operation Fortitude"? What important decision did General de Gaulle make for French women in 1944?

The answers to all these questions and many more can be found un "Le Petit Quizz on the Second World War", an introduction to the history of the biggest war of the 20th century.

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