Publications des auteurs et des éditeurs


Kathedraal (De) Notre-Dame von Bayeux (Néerlandais)

Nombre de pages : 32
Dimensions : 170 mm x 240 mm
Poids : 140 gr
Prix : 5.70 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782815100786
Distributeur : OREP


Editeur(s) : OREP

Date de parution : 28 février 2011

Genre(s) :

Langue(s) du texte : Français

Construction of Bayeux Cathedral began in the Roman period, under Bishop Hugues, to continue under William the Conqueror's brother, Bishop Odo (11th Century). Following serious fire damage during the 12th Century, the cathedral was rebuilt in Gothic style in the 13th Century. Construction of the central tower began in the 15th Century, under Bishop Louis d'Harcourt, to be completed only in the 19th Century following major work by Eugène Flachat. The aim of this book is to provide a short history and guided exterior and interior tour of the monument. It helps visitors and readers to discover of one of France's finest cathedrals and an indisputable masterpiece of Norman Gothic art.

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