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The Shipping Agent has Disappeared

Nombre de pages : 188
Dimensions : 110 mm x 170 mm
Poids : 162 gr
Prix : 10.00 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782847063103
Distributeur : CHARLES CORLET

Auteur(s) : Hébert, Lees

Editeur(s) : CORLET

Collection : Policier

Date de parution : 1 septembre 2010


Langue(s) du texte : Français

Mrs. Lemardeley, an elderly lady living in Granville, is attacked one night in July.
Customs officer Weber, asked by the local police to investigate, suspects that burglary was the real motive. Except nothing is missing.
When Mrs. Lemardeley’s two children are also both victims of the same man,Weber starts to look into the family’s colonial past. Who is the attacker and what is his interest in the family? As the criminal manages to repeatedly evade capture, Weber follows a trail of clues which eventually lead him to discover the truth.
But can he find his man before it’s too late?

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