Publications des auteurs et des éditeurs


Nombre de pages : 224
Dimensions : 215 mm x 305 mm
Poids : 868 gr
Prix : 24.00 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782840485162
Distributeur : HEIMDAL


Editeur(s) : HEIMDAL

Date de parution : 19 juillet 2018

Genre(s) :

Langue(s) du texte : Français

This book is the fruit of forty years of contact with military and civilian witnesses, now almost all gone, of research, analyses and descriptions of several thousands of photographs about the Landings and the Battle of Normandy. This book is the best synthesis, day by day, from 6 June to 30 August, with a clear narrative, an exceptional report illustrated with the best photographs (470), 22 armour and aircraft profiles and above all, 79 maps enabling the reader to follow this very complex battle more easily. The documentation, unique in the world, will allow you to discover one of the greatest pages of history, and to travel through Normandy, and find those moments when you go back in time thanks to the narratives and the photographs.

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