Publications des auteurs et des éditeurs


Douaumont Ossuary

Nombre de pages : 32
Dimensions : 160 mm x 240 mm
Poids : 108 gr
Prix : 5.00 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782846731980
Distributeur : POLLEN

Auteur(s) : Gerard

Editeur(s) : YSEC

Collection : Voir et comprendre

Date de parution : 1 janvier 2014

Genre(s) : HISTOIRE

It is important to remind visitors of the history of the most emblematic monument on the battlefield: this is the role of this small 32-page guide, Douaumont Ossuary. Olivier Gérard and Jean-Luc Kaluzko have produced this indispensable brochure to offer visitors the history of this mythical sanctuary of the First World War. Illustrated with 90 photos, this book will accompany you in the discovery of the sites of Verdun. If more than 3,000 combatants and 400 associations have their names engraved under the vault, it is important not to forget those of the 130,000 unknown men and women mingled for eternity in the basement of this sanctuary. The sacred mission, entrusted more than 90 years ago to this private work, must continue so that future generations will never forget.

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