Publications des auteurs et des éditeurs


Ancient Roman Cuisine

Nombre de pages : 80
Dimensions : 150 mm x 220 mm
Poids : 200 gr
Prix : 10.00 €
Livre broché

EAN : 9782846731508
Distributeur : POLLEN

Auteur(s) : Brigitte Lepretre

Editeur(s) : YSEC


Date de parution : 29 juillet 2011

Genre(s) : PRATIQUE

This original book features 35 genuine ancient Roman recipes inspired by the works of Apicius, the cook of Emperor Tiberius. In order to make them feasible by today's cooks, the author tried all of them. The proportions and cooking times have been added whenever they were not indicated by Apicius. Each recipe is displayed on a double-page. On one side is the illustrated recipe, and on the other side a frame with interesting information on various aspects of Roman daily life. Photographs of ancient objects and mosaics immerse the reader into a past that turns out to be much closer to us than we thought.

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